


The nursing staff is committed to providing quality patient and family centered care to more than 20,000名婴儿, 儿童和青少年每年都会在纽约中部. 我们为住院病人提供最先进的护理服务, 门诊, 儿科急诊科和外科中心区域. 为新员工提供独特而广泛的一对一培训计划.

本系鼓励并赞助专业发展. 这包括, 但不限于, 儿科高级生命支持(PALS), 美国护士资格认证中心, 儿科认证和其他国家认可的项目. 提供职业发展和临床护理研究的机会.



上州戈里萨诺儿童医院拥有21张床位的儿科医疗病房,为婴儿提供护理, 儿童和青少年急慢性疾病的治疗, disabilities and other complex medical issues covering the complete spectrum of pediatric care. This is also the site of the hospital's dedicated pediatric comprehensive epilepsy monitoring unit.


PICU是一个多学科的单位,为婴儿提供护理, 患重病或受重伤的儿童和青少年. 通常导致严重疾病和伤害的情况包括严重感染, 中毒, 药物过量, 创伤, 广泛的手术, 先天性异常和免疫紊乱. 护理由受过专门训练的医生、护士和专职支持人员提供.

The Pediatric Critical Care Transport program provides ICU-level care and stabilization to critically ill infants and 孩子们 within a 17-county referral area throughout Central New York and parts of northern Pennsylvania. 一支由经过特殊训练的儿科重症护理护士和呼吸治疗师组成的团队, 在儿科重症监护医师的指导下, is on call 24 hours a day to transport critically ill 孩子们 from their local community hospitals to the Pediatric ICU at 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 for specialized care.


上州立大学医院 is the only institution in the Central New York region to offer comprehensive pediatric services for 孩子们 diagnosed with cancer or blood disorders including leukemia, 实体肿瘤, 贫血, 镰状细胞性贫血和血友病. The Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell Transplant Program was developed and implemented in 2001. The center is a member of the International Children's Oncology Group which is an organization for the advancement of childhood cancer treatment. The inpatient unit works in conjunction with our 门诊 clinic area to assure quality consistent care is delivered to patients and families.


The Nursing Patient care team on this 23-bed inpatient unit provides direct patient care to infants, 孩子们, 和青少年. The staff team members are specially trained in pediatric surgical care both pre-operatively and post-operatively. 常见的手术包括耳鼻喉科, 整形, 创伤, 泌尿, 神经外科和普通儿科外科.

Some of the surgical patient population can have complex care requirements that include central line care, 术前准备, 造口术护理, 皮肤护理, 手术后的管, 下水道, 烧伤护理和伤口护理管理. 注册护士, 卫生保健技术人员, 单位职员, RN Case Management and other disciplines function as a team to care for this patient population through patient and family centered care.


This program offers an opportunity for patient and families to receive additional services to meet their needs and goals when faced with a life-altering event. The program works in conjunction with their primary care team to support and treat pain and other symptoms caused by the disease. 该团队是包括医生在内的多学科团队, 护士, 精神关怀顾问, 社会工作者, 儿童生活专家.



大学儿科和青少年中心 (UPAC) treats male and female patients from newborn to 18 years of age. 该诊所在19个县提供初级和专科儿科保健服务. UPAC是8小时开放的.m. 到下午6点.m. Monday-Friday. 儿科住院医师与出席会诊可为随叫随到的分类. 大学儿科和青少年中心提供急性, 慢性, 情景, 通过以下项目进行初级保健:

  • 收养保健服务
  • 普通儿科/连续性计划
  • 关怀:儿童虐待转诊 & 评价
  • 青少年医学
  • 领导资源中心
  • 加强:为受虐待和被忽视的儿童提供卓越的保健服务
  • AWARE项目:通过评估、转诊和教育促进青少年健康
  • 国际儿童保健方案:难民儿童保健


Pediatric Multi-specialty Services are comprised of pediatric subspecialty clinics and include the following: Rheumatology, 肺, 支气管肺发育不良门诊, 婴儿高科技诊所, 儿童和年轻人需要呼吸机或气管切开术呼吸支持, 和罗伯特C. 施瓦茨儿童和成人囊性纤维化中心. 患者的年龄范围从新生儿到21岁及以上的选择诊所. 这些服务采用以家庭为中心的多学科方法. 这些服务的总体目标是促进健康和预防继发性疾病. 这些目标是通过提供个性化护理来实现的, 协调病人和家属的服务和教育.


Pediatric GI is an ambulatory based clinic that serves both the acutely and 慢性ally ill child. 患者年龄从新生儿到18岁不等. Occasionally care is given to patients older than age 18 at the physician discretion because of developmental and physical conditions. 在胃肠病学范围内提供内科和外科服务, and often in collaboration with the following specialties but not inclusive of the following: Pediatric 肺, 儿科外科和儿科内分泌学. Pediatric GI also services consults from the pediatric inpatient units at both University and Crouse Hospitals.


小儿外科手术 is an ambulatory based clinic that serves both the acutely and 慢性ally ill child. 患者年龄从新生儿到16岁不等. Patients may require a surgical procedure and often these services are in collaboration with the following specialties but not inclusive of the following: Pediatric 肺, 儿科GI和儿科内分泌学. The patient is referred to The Olivia Louise Pietrafesa Center for Children's surgery for their surgical procedure.


小儿神经发育中心为婴儿提供跨学科的保健服务, 儿童和成人,包括儿童发展, 脊柱裂, 代谢基因, 身体残疾的, 自闭症和唐氏综合症.


玛格丽特·L. Williams Developmental 评价 Center serves 孩子们 at risk for — or with — developmental disabilities such as mental retardation, 自闭症, 脑瘫, 等. The MLW/DEC has a particular focus on 孩子们 with complex developmental problems such as pervasive developmental disorders/自闭症.


北州儿科是一家医院为基础的初级保健网站位于鲍德温维尔,纽约. 儿科推荐最近最火的赌博软件 treats 孩子们 from newborn to 21 years of age, including low income patients. 我们提供急性, 慢性, 在5个县的服务区为普通儿科患者提供了偶发和初级保健. 我们从早上八点半开始营业.m. 到5点.m. 每天和星期六早上8点.m. 到中午. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Connect注册护士提供随叫随到的分诊服务,并根据需要提供会诊服务.


小儿泌尿外科 is an ambulatory based clinic that serves both the acutely and 慢性ally ill child. 患者年龄从新生儿到18岁不等. 在泌尿科范围内提供内科和外科服务. 提供广泛的服务,重点是微创手术, 泌尿生殖系统的先天性疾病, 尿道重建与脊柱裂.

The Center for Children's Surgery offers surgical services for 孩子们 from birth to 18 years and is designed to be child—and family—friendly. 我们执行大约4次,900 operative procedures a year in five state-of-the-art Operating Rooms and one OR/Procedural Room.

Services represented include: Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, ENT, Thoracic, GU, GYN and General Surgery. 团队采用包括内窥镜神经外科在内的尖端技术, 颅面外科和腹腔镜手术. The vast majority of services related to pediatric surgery are concentrated within the Center, 尽量减少院内旅行.

在儿童外科中心, 当涉及到手术时,我们知道, 孩子不只是小大人, 但需要温柔和特别的照顾. 儿科外科团队提供高质量, 富有同情心和以家庭为中心的婴儿护理, 儿童和青少年.

CCS有一个15张床位的手术前/术后护理病房,有7个急性康复病房. 护理前/护理后区域使每位患者的护理体验个性化. Parents are encouraged to play a constant and active role in their child's experience at 上州立大学医院. Parents frequently accompany their child into the Operating Room for induction to decrease the anxiety of the child and to make the experience less 创伤tic.

上州戈里萨诺儿童医院为拥有这个儿童专用手术中心而感到自豪. The CCS at 上州立大学医院 is located on the 3rd floor of 上州立大学医院. The Center reflects the high degree of specialization in pediatric surgery at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and is staffed by specially trained Nurses, 外科技术人员, 儿童生活专家和医生,他们致力于照顾儿童.