
Children's Oncology Group Participation

The Center for Children's Cancer and 血液疾病 is part of the Children's Oncology Group, an international group of pediatric oncology centers devoted to the state-of-the-art management of pediatric cancers. This allows our center to provide the most current therapy while keeping the children and their parents close to the support of family and friends at home.

The treatment regimens are developed on a national basis so the treatment we provide is the same as that provided at centers such as Johns Hopkins, 波士顿儿童, and Memorial Sloan Kettering. Our participation on the Children's Oncology Group also allows us to contribute to the steady improvement in therapies that is now allowing nearly 80% of children diagnosed with cancer to survive their disease.

In addition to Children's Oncology Group studies, we also participate in other national consortiums developed for infant brain tumors and histiocytic disorders.